Editor’s Note: “Their Way” is a regular weekly column that captures the personal style of the many public officials, personalities and events covered by former Mesabi Daily News Executive Editor Bill Hanna during his more than 40 years of newspaper reporting, writing and editing.

The Democratic Party’s Socialist Road Show may soon be coming to a community near you. Kind of like an old-fashioned traveling medicine wagon that went town to town selling bogus elixirs to cure whatever the ailment.

Everybody’s Goofy Grandpa, Bernie Sanders, and his new sidekick, high-brow educated but in need of a course in street smarts and reading of a couple books on economics and geopolitics Millennial Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, got lost about a week ago and wandered into Kansas for a political rally. The Midwest farm country state hasn’t voted Democrat in a presidential election since 1964 when Lyndon Johnson annihilated Barry Goldwater, which was 26 years before Ocasio-Cortez was born.

Makes you wonder who was at the wheel of their VW bus? And was the stop in Kansas just to fill up the tank, grab some snacks and give a couple speeches before continuing on to the Sanctuary State of California?

It would be easy to discount the Socialist tandem as interesting but pretty much inconsequential, which is often the case with most third party initiatives both in and outside the two major political parties. But just as with the conservative Tea Party, which has been a lot more than a political aberration on the Republican side of the aisle, the so-called Socialist Democrat movement appears to have staying power.

After all, Socialist Sanders not only nipped at the heels of Hillary Clinton in 2016, he bit down hard and wouldn’t let go right up to the convention. And remember, if not for a rigged Democratic Party process that had pre-ordained the coronation of Hillary, the Sanders phenomenon could have … just maybe … rewritten the script.

Sanders, who has absolutely every right to remain even more irritable than is just his normal daily angry persona because of his unethical shunning by the Democratic hierarchy, is now getting his ounce of political flesh retribution.

He’s still relevant — much more than relevant — in the political party that offered him a hand up two years ago when he was drawing young voters to the polls but then followed that with a knee to the groin area when he dared to actually beat the anointed Hillary in a string of primaries and caucuses.

Bernie’s rallies generated genuine grassroots enthusiasm; Hillary’s a lot of yawns.

The Democratic Party establishment just doesn’t know what the heck to do with Grandpa Bernie. It’s like the party was so excited he was coming over for the holidays because, well, he’s kind of eccentric fun. But now they have an unwanted permanent Socialist house guest.

“Are you ever going to leave?”

“No. And I need fresh sheets when I get back from Kansas,” snaps Grandpa Bernie.

And Bernie now has a young Bernadette in tow. A two-for-one cross-generational headache for the Democratic political powers that be.

And it’s a well-earned throbbing head knocker. After all, the party’s activist wing has been allowed to be taken hostage by Progressives. The party of John F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and Henry “Scoop” Jackson is no more. Their so-called “big tent” is just like their views on illegal aliens — come on in, all of you, and don’t forget to vote.

Ocasio-Cortez may prove a migraine for the party or perhaps just a momentary nuisance affliction. It’s way too early to tell whether she’s a Democratic Party summer fling or a serious long-term relationship.

But either way she’s definitely basking in the warm glow of the Progressive/Socialist spotlight. She’s an instant celebrity who surprisingly won a primary against a fellow liberal in an extremely leftist New York district.

But it’s even crazier than that.

A few weeks after her victory against Joe Crowley, who had been strongly rumored as a possible House Speaker should Democrats regain the House majority in the fall, Ocasio-Cortez won a congressional primary as a write-in in a neighboring district even though she can’t run in the general election in both districts. She then had to make her first post-election call, choosing to run in November in her home district. Always a good decision.

Americans may very soon have an opportunity — as unlikely as it seems — to choose between capitalism and socialism.

And that might be a good thing. Let’s find out if the country has moved from a center-right majority to Socialist-far left. Let’s determine if the 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez, who speaks in euphoric bumper stickerese and damn the facts, is the future of America, where everything would be free and, of course, happy/happy.

When asked to expound on some of her off-the-mark remarks, Ocasio-Cortez just smiles, laughs and pretty much says she really doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Oh well, time to move on to the next issue.

She pretty much says capitalism’s days are numbered — Hallelujah! But, to her credit, she is at least up front and public with her opinions on such a possible radical evolution in the country rather than some of her Democrat colleagues who harbor such thoughts but usually couch them in political CYA comments.

Maybe she’s right. Maybe the country is undergoing such a dramatic revolution. Capitalism certainly has its flaws and inequities. Hmmm.

But then why did a recent survey show that nearly 150 million people want to move to the oh so terrible United States? It’s certainly not to enjoy those great benefits of socialism.

Those who want to live that failed ideology can buy a one-way airplane ticket to Venezuela, Cuba, or North Korea and check it out. Grandpa Bernie and Bernadette can host the trip.

Safe travels and good luck.

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