Category: Opinion
Its Time We Face The Facts: The Gender Gap Does Not Exist – Newsweek
British female graduates still earn significantly less than their male counterparts. Women who work at.
Police-Involved Shootings Are Gun Violence, Too
How many people must be shot until something is done? This question has been asked.
The Violence Against Women Act [VAWA] Is a Fraudulent Endeavor
John Davis John Davis (1953 — ) is a retired public official and international lawyer and writes.
Five Feminist Lies We Take For Granted
January 23, 2018 By Pierre Lescaudron 0 Comments Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism….
DON’T TELL BERNIE: Socialized Medicine Crashes And Burns Again
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Yet,.
Hillary Clinton Ignited a Feminist Movement. By Losing.
News Analysis By AMY CHOZICK January 13, 2018 Hillary Clinton, the first woman who had a real.