Susan Sarandon: I Thought Hillary Was Very Dangerous If She’d Won We’d Be At War

Susan Sarandon at 71 is bright-eyed and airy, and perhaps shyer than she can publicly.

Here’s Your Leftover turkey: The Case For Hillary Clinton 2020

Are you sick of Republicans? Or just right-wingers in general? Do you want to send.

Brazile Puts It All on the Table

It’s more than a year now since the presidential election of Nov. 8, 2016. The.

Hillary Clinton to be honored at Big Sister Association event in Boston in December

 In this Nov. 9, 2016, file photo, Hillary Clinton pauses while delivering a speech conceding.

Village View: Hillary’s Book Is Mea Culpa

For months now I have had my ticket for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s talk and book-signing,.

Are Michigan Dems Running For Governor Veering Too Far Left?

At the moment, Whitmer’s most significant rival could be former Detroit Health Department executive director.