Sanders: Our Revolution Endorses Kornheiser

BRATTLEBORO — Our Revolution has made its first endorsement in Vermont this election cycle. The organization, dubbed “the next step for Bernie Sanders’ movement,” has endorsed Emilie Kornheiser for Vermont House of Representatives in Brattleboro District 1 (Windham 2-1).

On learning of the endorsement late Tuesday, Kornheiser tweeted “So proud to be part of a national movement to have a government FOR the people and BY the people that SERVES the people.”

Kornheiser says her campaign platform is strongly aligned with Our Revolution’s priorities, including “Medicare for all,” paid family leave, and a higher minimum wage. She advocates investing in existing institutions to reflect the needs of the community, approaching economic development as community development, and focusing on access to quality healthcare and education, affordable housing and social supports, clean energy, and reliable and affordable telecommunications.

“Committing to community means investing in both people and the systems that support them,” Kornheiser said in a statement. “When we invest in our communities, we grow strong economies, build broad tax bases, and create capacity to direct our resources toward what really matters.”

Kornheiser is challenging incumbent Rep. Valerie Stuart in the Democratic primary. The final day for voting in the 2018 primary is Aug. 14.

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