Jesse Kelly Responds To Twitter Permanently Banning Him From Platform -Video

“All of a sudden my account vanished like a Hillary Clinton email,” Kelly continued. “They completely banished me so I’m not even able to log in and email Twitter support.”

Radio host Jesse Kelly said on Monday night that Twitter still has not given him any explanation as to why they permanently banned his account and that they won’t even allow him to appeal their decision.

“Why did Twitter take you off its platform?” Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked.

“Nobody knows. Twitter kicked me off the platform because I was a mainstream voice on the Right that spoke the truth,” the two-time congressional candidate and war veteran told Carlson.

“They’ve given me no explanation — as they told Congress they would give explanations.

All they sent was an email that said, ‘You are permanently banned and you can’t appeal it for repeated rules violations.”


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