Like the Titanic, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., looks grand on paper. She is energetic, experienced, and adorned with high decoration from prestigious universities. But like the Titanic and the iceberg, Warren is a collision with outsize arrogance. If Warren wins the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination, President Trump will almost certainly be re-elected.
Before we get into it, have a quick watch of Warren’s announcement that she is forming an exploratory committee.
Inadvertently for an announcement, that video encapsulates why Warren will struggle to enter the Oval Office as president. It is boring, loaded with not-so-subtle class warfare tropes, and full of rage toward conservatives. Most of all, it offers nothing original.
There’s nothing that might separate Warren from the growing pack of perhaps 30 Democrats who want to face Trump in 2020. Nothing that might allow Warren to evade Trump’s unpredictability and his occasional penchant for political genius.
But that’s Warren. Just slightly more moderate than Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but lacking any of Ocasio-Cortez’s charisma, Warren is what she appears to be: not terribly impressive. You can bet that as 2019 rumbles on and the Democratic nomination heats up, Warren will make mistakes similar to that which has most damaged her: the blood test. More specifically, Warren’s Native American blood test earlier this year that showed Warren is about as Native American as most Americans. Which is to say, not very.
Even if Democrats were not so obsessed with identity politics, Warren might be able to escape her blood test debacle with a mea culpa (as yet undelivered). But that would take something Warren lacks: originality. When one digs into the details of Warren’s domestic and foreign policy proposals, the result is relentlessly unremarkable.
Don’t get me wrong. There is something very special about a nation in which an impossible-to-tan Anglo-American such as myself can have first cousins who are half-Native American. Americans might cry out in 2020 for a candidate who is seen to offer a more optimistic vision than the angry warship of Trumpism. But that candidate must have a vision and instinct that inspires people personally. After all, if the economy remains strong and Trump remains in control, the incumbent will have a very good message: “I might be unpredictable, but things are pretty good, aren’t they? It’s me or Democrats offering higher taxes and spending.”
Again, a candidate must inspire the electorate to the cause of making the nation better. That’s what former President Barack Obama did in 2008, and it dissolved the Hillary Clinton machine. That’s what Trump did in 2016, and it dissolved the Republican establishment.
I don’t see Warren inspiring people. Instead, Warren is a politician without political instinct, and an intellect without introspective flair.
If Warren is the Democratic nominee, I think Trump is getting four more years in office.
Related: Why Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Will Likely Be the Next President
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