Category: Politics
CDC Recommends Mail-In Voting Due To Corona-Virus
The Centers For Disease Control has on its coronavirus guidelines website, the CDC advises election officials.
Nancy Pelosi is “Satisfied With How He Has Responded” To Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden
Pelosi said: “Well, I have great sympathy for any women who bring forth an allegation.”.
Hillary Clinton Defends Joe Biden: ‘Get Over It’ – Has A Familiar Ring To It – “What Difference Does It Make?”
Hillary Clinton sat down with PEOPLE to share her thoughts on how former Vice President.
Justice Department Announces “Ask AG Barr” Q&A On Twitter,
AG Barr will be participating in the nationwide #AskTheAG Q&A session on May.
Women’s Town Hall on COVID-19 ft. Hillary Clinton | Joe Biden For President
I can’t help but notice the lack of a comment section on this open discussion,,.
Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Orders Maryland to Release Complete Voter Registration Records
APRIL 22, 2020 | JUDICIAL WATCH (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ordered the.