Category: Politics
Mazie Hirono Breaks Dems’ Silence On Keith Ellison, Says Abuse Charges ‘Need To Be Investigated’
By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Sunday, September 23, 2018 Sen. Mazie Hirono.
Michael Moore Confirms Red Wave Coming in 2018 November Elections
Sad Michael Moore has realized that the Red Wave will hit hard in the upcoming.
Klavan: Democrats, Take Hillary Clinton’s Advice
ByJACOB AIREY October 10, 2018 Hillary Clinton recently urged her fellow Democrats not to be.
Melania Trump Talks #MeToo: “I Do Stand With Women, But We Need To Show The Evidence.”
Melania Trump visited a former slave holding facility on the coast of Ghana. The First.
Gov. Baker, Challenger Gonzalez Face Off In First Debate
Democratic challenger Jay Gonzalez and Governor Charlie Baker (R) take part in the WBZ/WSBK Debate.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Endorsed by National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws
Washington, DC–The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Political Action Committee (NORML PAC).