Category: Opinion
‘Caravan’ Just Turned Blue Wave into Red Tsunami
I was one of the only commentators in the media who predicted a presidential victory.
Why Democrats May Regret the Weaponization of #MeToo
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Lisa Boothe For far too long, women who brought forward allegations of.
Michael Moore Confirms Red Wave Coming in 2018 November Elections
Sad Michael Moore has realized that the Red Wave will hit hard in the upcoming.
Klavan: Democrats, Take Hillary Clinton’s Advice
ByJACOB AIREY October 10, 2018 Hillary Clinton recently urged her fellow Democrats not to be.
Ocasio-Cortez Proves She Has No Idea What Congress Does
ByRYAN SAAVEDRA @REALSAAVEDRA Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showed her extreme lack of knowledge about the.
Supremely Wrong: Men Were Lynched Because of False Sexual Allegations
History is an easy and convenient thing to forget, especially when it doesn’t serve your.