Category: Opinion
Michelle Obama Compares Trump To A ‘Divorced Dad’
During an event on her book tour in London, former first lady Michelle Obama compared.
The Demolition of Ableism
Linda Williams, Ph.D. To the Government Agency whose top down directives erase, speak over, and.
Democrats’ Railings About Barr And Spying Will End Badly For Them
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” —Sir Arthur Conan Doyle By Patricia McCarthy At.
Brandon Straka Harassed At The Airport Wearing MAGA Hat
Brandon Straka @usminority At the airport w my MAGA hat on. This girl approached me.
Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency
Globalists preparing final phase of New World Order’s economic plan Zero Hedge – APRIL 6, 2019 This.
Candace Owens Mocks Ocasio-Cortez Fake Black Accent
I may be leading #BLEXIT…but @AOC is leading #BLACCENT!!!Be sure to Vote Democrat cuz dey.