Category: Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
Biden Jumps Far Ahead, 39% of Democrats Say Let Tulsi Debate
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Democratic voters are closely divided over whether Tulsi Gabbard should be.
The DNC’s Democratic Unity Video Fund Has Duval Patrick But Not Tulsi Gabbard
Just watched this new video from the DNC about “DNC Unity”and there is no sign.
Tulsi Gabbard Sues Hillary Clinton for Defamation – Audio
“Clinton falsely stated that Tulsi—an Army National Guard officer and United States Congresswoman who has.
Tulsi Gabbard or Elizabeth Warren?? Really!! You Have To Think About It??
Is The DNC “Bernieing” Tulsi Gabbard
Favorite Song To Workout To? Elizabeth Warren: “Anything Patsy Cline”
Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, she was asked what her favorite music to exercise to is.
Tulsi: Why I’m Running While Bernie Is Running – Jimmy Dore
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