Author: MassCentral

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Launched #WalkAwayFromNike Boycott

By John Nolte Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) launched a #WalkAwayFromNike boycott campaign this week after.

Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Is a Boom Time for Private Prisons

Give me your tired, your poor, your per diem… MADISON PAULY Assistant EditorBio | Follow Hardline immigration.

Clinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’

GINNI THOMAS   From The Daily Caller Wall Street investment analyst Charles Ortel called the Clinton Foundation.

Hispanic Pastors Tour Border Facility Lambasted By AOC And Say They Are ‘Shocked By Misinformation’

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, with an accompanying delegation.

Joe Biden Calls Antifa ‘Courageous Americans’ In Announcement For President!

Article by Bryan Howard Jul 2, 2019  Former Vice-President Joe Biden made his official announcement.

Twitter Will Put Warning Labels On Rule-Breaking Trump Tweets

Twitter plans to implement a new new system for world leaders who break its rules..