10+ Things About Elizabeth Warren You Probably Didn’t Know

1.Elizabeth Warren secured endorsement from far-left ‘Working Families Party’ after think tank where her daughter is chairwoman gave it $45,000

2.Warren and Clinton talk behind the scenes as 2020 race intensifies.

3.Elizabeth Warren Was In Favor Of Increased Defense Spending (Until This Year) https://www.leftvoice.org/Elizabeth-Warren-Votes-for

4.She Has Taken Money From Wall Street & Large Corporations https://www.nationalreview.com/…/elizabeth-warrens…/amp/    https://www.nytimes.com/…/elizabeth-warren-2020.html

5.She Supported & Voted For Republican Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. https://www.politico.com/…/elizabeth-warren-ben-carson.

6.Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is co-founder of Unitedhealthcare Group insurance company. Liz will never support #Medicare4All  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Warren_Tyagi

7.As lawyer, Elizabeth Warren worked to limit Dow Chemical’s liability to breast implant victims
https://www.google.com/…/wapo-confirms-as-lawyer…/amp/  + https://m.washingtontimes.com/…/elizabeth-warren…/

8.Elizabeth Warren Defends Israeli Shelling of Gaza Schools, Hospitals

9.She Was A Republican Until She Was 47 https://www.politico.com/…/elizabeth-warren-profile

10.Elizabeth Warren Declares War on Lobbying, Hires Lobbyist One Day Later

11.Harsh Foreclosure Critic Elizabeth Warren Reportedly Made a Fortune…‘Flipping’ Foreclosed Homes

Here is my gripe with Warren:

She can’t call herself a progressive…
 When her record on foreign policy is poor.
 When she says she’ll take corporate money in the general election.
 When she voted for Trump’s military budget increases more than once.
 When she says she’s open to a middle ground approach in regards to universal healthcare. She won’t take on the insurance companies.
 When she applauded Trump for saying “America will never be Socialist”. Nobody is even trying to be a socialist country. It’s the sentiment that she knew what he was referring to. He was referring to progressives and she stood up and clapped for him.
 When she endorsed Hillary over Bernie. She could have endorsed him early in the race. Instead of waiting when it was clear Bernie wasn’t going to win. She after admitted the race was rigged.

If Bernie gets an A as far as being progressive, someone like Biden would get an F and Warren would get a C-. Which is nothing to brag about. But because the media wants to prop her up because she won’t cause as much damage to the Status Quo.
 I’ll vote for the candidate with real conviction.
 I’ll vote the candidate with a proven record.
 I’ll vote for the candidate that doesn’t do what’s popular all the time but does what’s right all the time.

Warren backed by WFP after daughter’s think tank gave it $45,000
Warren backed by WFP after daughter’s think tank gave it $45,000 ”
– From Andre Walker ‘s post –

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