What Are The Best Cannabis Strains For Migraines?


Migraines come in many flavors, but they all have the same underlying taste of pain. 13% of adults in the U.S. suffer from migraines. While it’s a once-in-an-while thing for most people, some do experience chronic migraines.

Traditional medications for migraines often involve dangerous and addictive opioids. Most sufferers prefer to lock themselves in a dark room and stay hidden until the pain goes away. There are also drugs like Marinol and Sativex, which are synthetic versions of chemicals found in cannabis. Besides the synthetic issue, the proportions of chemicals in these drugs aren’t what you’d find in nature and may be too much of a good thing.

However, cannabis use may be a way to help ease the pain of a migraine and reduce the number of migraine attacks in chronic sufferers. It’s the original source of the chemicals found in the government-approved drugs.

If you’re willing to try something different and it’s legal where you are, cannabis is an attractive alternative to the standard treatments. However, it can be difficult to decide on which strains of cannabis are most effective for migraines. Here is a list of strains that are normally recommended for this condition.


For those afraid of getting too high, you need a Sativa dominant strain. ACDC is an excellent choice. It has a 1:20 ratio of THC (gets you high) and CBD (makes you mellow and reduces pain). In addition to reducing inflammation, it also helps combat anxiety and depression. You would have to take a lot of it to get the usual cannabis high.

It’s important to experiment with different THC and CBD levels to find the right balance for your particular kind of migraine, so don’t be afraid of THC-heavy strains if the CBD ones aren’t working for you.

White Widow

White Widow is prized for its ability to bring rapid relief. Like ACDC, it has a low THC amount though not as low as ACDC. It also has a sweet flavor rather than a skunky flavor, but the effects are extremely strong. Best used when you know you’re going to be home. 

If you want to try growing it yourself, you can order seeds from TheAmsterdam. If your local laws allow it, learning to grow your own cannabis can ensure you have a supply at hand when the first signs of a migraine start to appear.

OG Kush

OG Kush is a standard beginner strain that can be found in nearly every dispensary. It has a strong sedative effect and a high level of THC, around 20%. The high from this strain will help you take your mind off your pain. Its popularity means that you won’t have any trouble tracking it down.


If strains like ACDC have too much of a sedative effect on you, Harlequin might be a good alternative. It has around 8-16% CBD. Users report that it causes a clear-headed effect thanks to its balance of THC and CBD. It will relax you without pinning you to the couch.

Don’t be afraid of high-dose strains though. Some research has found that higher doses are much more effective at treating migraines.

Lemon Kush

THC and CBD content aren’t the only considerations in choosing a strain for your migraines. It also has to taste good enough that you’ll take it. Some of the flavors of cannabis are, shall we say, strong. This is because of each strain’s combination of terpenes, which are compounds related to smell and flavor.

Lemon Kush, as its name suggests, has a strong citrus flavor. If OG Kush is working for you but you don’t like the taste, try out this lemon variant.

Best Methods For Using Cannabis For Migraines

Once you have a strain chosen, is there a best way to take it? The sooner you can catch a migraine, the easier it is to treat. Smoking or vaping cannabis will get THC and CBD into your system quickly and easily. Most dispensaries will have the gear necessary and can teach you how to use it.

Eating it is not recommended for migraine because it can take several hours for the effects to start. By then, your migraine might be too powerful to tackle.

If you’re a migraine sufferer, don’t hide away when the pain starts. See if one of these cannabis strains can help you control the symptoms. A doctor is the best person to talk to about dosage, but dispensary workers can also help you with deciding on how much to take.

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