by Apr 30, 2021
|Why have public health and government officials abandoned our usual standards of regulatory oversight, patient informed consent to therapy, and medical ethics in pushing indiscriminate vaccination for everyone?
The April 30 Voice of A Nation show featured interviews of three top medical experts by guest host, DrLee4America, who is a practicing physician also treating COVID patients. The experts discussed “vaccine passports” being heavily pushed as the onerous “permission” for Americans to travel, work, go to public events, frequent businesses and churches and schools – in short – to be able to live our lives again.
Our expert panel addresses the safety concerns with these new experimental vaccines and what is at stake for our health and individual freedom of choice to take or decline the vaccines. There are clearly many safety concerns with these experimental vaccines, which are not yet FDA-approved and only had two months of safety data in the clinical trials before they were released for the public on emergency use authorization rather than the full FDA regulatory review process.
What are some of the risks we are seeing? What is the risk of taking the vaccine if you have already had COVID and recovered? What are the vaccine risks if you have been exposed to COVID but did not get sick yet and are already immune? Is the focus on “majority benefit” more important than the risks of harm to others in the minority, such as COVID-recovered patients, especially when one of the possible risks is death?
Our experts address these critical issues in an information-packed two-hour Voice of A Nation program you are not likely to see covered elsewhere. This column summarizes some of the key points our experts discuss that could save your life.
First, a little background. In the 1970’s feminists leading the legal fight for abortion to be a “woman’s choice” succeeded in rallying support under the slogan “My Body, My Choice.” Fast forward to 2021, and we see these same feminists, radical leftists, Democrats, and those opposed to individual freedom and patient autonomy have now completely abandoned their earlier commitment to individual choice about medical treatments. Patient autonomy, and CHOICE about medical treatments such as both vaccination and access to early treatment at home for COVID, have been thrown out the window by the same people who demanded: “my body, my choice” for abortion rights. The hypocrisy is stunning. And dangerous when patients are coerced or forced into an experimental vaccine.
The liberal left has used the fear of COVID as a bludgeon to now demanding everyone be vaccinated for “the good of all.” Health officials, employers, businesses, colleges, and schools who require “everyone” to be vaccinated are completely ignoring the risks to individual subgroups of patients, such as those excluded from the clinical trials for whom there is zero safety data on these still experimental biological agents.
The same groups insisting on “everyone be vaccinated” ignore the Constitutional rights of those who have religious objections to certain medical treatments, such as vaccines. They ignore CDC guidelines that say if you are at higher risk for adverse reactions because of past reactions or medical conditions, consult your personal physician for guidance on whether to take the COVID vaccine. Most patients are getting vaccines at CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, grocery stores, and other mass vaccination centers set up to vaccinate as many people as fast as possible. Patients are rarely advised to consult their own doctors.
Health officials, employers, private businesses requiring vaccines are even ignoring even the FDA warnings that say if you have a past allergic reaction to PEG (polyethylene glycol), you should not get the COVID vaccine that has this added ingredient.
We are facing a very dangerous precedent. Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a guest expert on the April 30 Voice of A Nation, issued this public Urgent Safety Notice to the CEOs of CVS and Rite-Aid about their potential company liability for damages if people being vaccinated in their pharmacies suffer damages or death after the vaccines indiscriminately delivered by their pharmacists without adequate medical screening and testing for COVID infection or immunity before being vaccination. #ScreenB4Vaccine. Read his powerful letter here.
The following list includes some of the people the vaccine manufacturers excluded from the clinical trials, for whom there is NO safety data to make an informed decision about risk vs. benefit. These groups are at higher risk for adverse reactions to the vaccines, and our current regulations and medical ethics require these people to be fully informed of those risks and properly screened before being given an experimental vaccine.
See if YOU fall into one of these categories, and if you do, hit the PAUSE button on getting the vaccine until you can discuss your personal risks with a knowledgeable physician and arrange for proper screening and testing:
- COVID-recovered patients, who are now naturally immune
- Patients suspected to be exposed to COVID
- Patients who tested POSITIVE for COVID on PCR tests
- Pregnant women and women of child-bearing years
- Children under age 16
- Elderly over age 70
Many civil rights/civil liberties are being violated with coerced and or mandated vaccination, but beyond these freedom issues, there are strong scientific and immunological arguments against indiscriminate vaccination without consideration of individual risks, and individual immunity status from exposure to COVID or having had the illness and recovered.
New research from the UK reports a much higher risk of adverse reactions to the vaccines if people already have antibodies to COVID from either exposure or having had the COVID illness and recovered.
The adverse reactions being reported to the CDC and happening daily in the countries rolling out mass vaccination programs include (but not limited to) death, anaphylaxic reactions requiring resuscitation, severe bleeding, blood clots (lungs, brain, other organs), neurological complications including facial nerve paralysis (Bell’s palsy), difficulty walking, Guillain Barre syndrome, worsening of Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s dementia, worsening of existing autoimmune disorders, heart inflammation, atrial fibrillation, and other arrhythmias. This list does not include all the adverse reactions. You can go to www.OpenVAERS.com to see the latest reports to CDC.
How do you get screened for existing immunity to COVID before getting a vaccine? There are two new tests you can request from your physician to check whether you already have a natural immunity to COVID:
1 – www.T-Detect.com This is a test recently approved by the FDA on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which you can order yourself at their website. T-Detect is available as a cash pay test, not covered by insurance because it is still on an EUA. This test measures the broader cellular immunity, or T-cell immunity, that turns positive with exposure to COVID and indicates broad natural immunity to the virus and its variants.
2 – SARS-CoV-2 nuclear capsid antibody test. This test can be ordered by your physician and covered by most insurance plans. It is widely available through labs such as LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, CPL, and other commercial clinical laboratories. The nuclear capsid antibody test is specific for exposure to the virus itself. This test turns positive if you have had exposure to COVID and/or had the COVID-19 illness and recovered. It indicates broad, durable natural immunity to the virus and its variants.
Those of you who have had a COVID vaccine can check for antibodies by asking your physician to order the test for IgG antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein since the vaccines stimulate the body to make the virus spike protein alone (not the nuclear capsid of the virus).
Our medical team of COVID experts urges people to demand testing properly before getting the vaccine.
It is your body, your health, your life at stake. Get involved. Get LOUD. You have the right as an American citizen under our Constitution to Demand #ScreenB4Vaccination!
Screenshot of OPEN VAERS report, April 30, 2021:
The Doctors’ Guide to Early Home-based Treatment for COVID-19 available as a free e-booklet here: www.CovidPatientGuide.com
The McCullough Report Podcasts may be found at The McCullough Report
Dr. Noorchashm’s medical articles can be found here: https://noorchashm.medium.com/
Dr. Noorchashm’s interview on vaccines with Tucker Carlson https://video.foxnews.com/v/6246326167001
The powerful and moving documentary describing Dr. Amy Reed and Dr. Noorchashm fight against the dangers of power morcellation in laparoscopic fibroid surgery, Kicking the Hornet’s Nest, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Kicking-Hornets-Nest-Hooman-Noorchashm/dp/B08TRK4NJC
Dr. Noorchashm’s in-depth response on the risks of administering the COVID vaccines to people who have already recovered from COVID: https://noorchashm.medium.com/fact-checking-factcheck-orgs-ms-catalina-jaramillo-b69ebebb9996
The CDC database of reported vaccine adverse events (VAERS) may be found here: www.openvaers.com
Dr. McCullough’s testimony about early home treatment for COVID makes vaccines unnecessary. https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/censored-dr-peter-mccullough-md-testifies-how-successful-home-treatments-for-covid-makes-experimental-vaccines-unnecessary/
European database of adverse reactions and deaths following COVID vaccines: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/7766-dead-330218-injuries-european-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-vaccines/
DrLee4America has been a leader in patient-centered, individualized medical care. Since 1986, she has practiced medicine independently of insurance contracts that interfere with patient-physician relationships and decision-making. DrLee4America’s focus is medical freedom and free-market approaches to healthcare.
DrLee4America is a 2014 Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipient for her national and international educational efforts in health, wellness, and endocrine aging in men and women, and she is recognized in the US as a motivational speaker in health and wellness and a powerful patient advocate, proponent of free-market approaches to lower healthcare costs. DrLee4America is the recipient of the Voice of Women Award from the Arizona Foundation for Women in recognition of her pioneering advocacy for the overlooked hormone connections in women’s health
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