U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal Released Statement Following SCOTUS Confirmation Calling The Vote A “Clear And Present Danger And Constitutional Crisis.”

There is a clear and present danger of a humanitarian, moral, and constitutional crisis, as the Supreme Court shifts radically to the right and prepares to strike down laws vital to health and American values.

Americans across the country are scared and saddened tonight.

Families with sick children are scared they won’t be able to pay for their health care if the Affordable Care Act is struck down. Women are scared the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and punish them for their decisions about when and whether to have children.

Gay couples are scared that their loving relationships will no longer be protected by law. And all Americans should be scared of a Supreme Court that would supplant the electoral will of the people with the votes of Republican-appointed justices.

To every person who is worried about what your future looks like under this Supreme Court: I will never stop fighting for you. Breaking the rules and norms to appoint activist judges who legislate from the bench – and overturn laws supported by elected legislators – is undemocratic and unacceptable. Keep on standing up and speaking out.”


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