To The People Complaining On Twitter About Being Banned On Parler.

Please pay heed:

Here are the very few basic rules we need you to follow on Parler. If these are not to your liking, we apologize, but we will enforce:

– When you disagree with someone, posting pictures of your fecal matter in the comment section WILL NOT BE TOLERATED

-Your Username cannot be obscene like “CumDumpster”

-No pornography. Doesn’t matter who, what, where, when, or in what realm.

– We will not allow you to spam other people trying to speak, with unrelated comments like “Fuck you” in every comment. It’s stupid. It’s pointless, Grow up.

-You cannot threaten to kill anyone in the comment section. Sorry, never ever going to be okay.

If ever in doubt, ask yourself if you would say it on the streets of New York or national television.

John Matze 🇺🇸@John

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