Sugary Drinks May Up the Risk of Developing Type-2 Diabetes: Study

Are you fond of freakshakes or other sugary drinks, probably it’s time you stop! You may end up developing type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, et al. According to a study published in the Journal of Endocrine Society, two servings of sugar sweetened beverages a week may increase risk of developing type-2 diabetes while just one is enough to raise blood pressure. “Our analysis revealed that most epidemiological studies strongly show that frequent intake of these beverages contributes to the onset of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes and hypertension,” said the review’s senior author, M. Faadiel Essop, professor at Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The analysis of the review also found a link between sugar sweetened beverage consumption and the metabolic syndrome, a host of risk factors that up the chances of developing heart disease. The authors reviewed 36 studies on the cardio-metabolic effects of sugar sweetened drink consumption from the past decade. Some recent studies reached conflicting findings regarding the relationship between beverage consumption and health conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases, the researchers critically assessed the research landscape for overall trends.

Most of the studies that were reviewed and analysed looked at individuals who drank more than five sugar-sweetened beverages a week. Other studies on diet and diabetes revealed consuming as few as two servings of sugar sweetened beverages a week was linked to an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Several of the analyzed studies found drinking at least one sweetened beverage a day was associated with spiked blood pressure.

“The findings demonstrate there is a clear need for public education about the harmful effects of excess consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages,” Essop noted.


With Inputs from IANS

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