Taking control of exit processes is a key factor in maximising the value of our portfolio companies.
Since 2011, we have successfully realised 16 investments, generating proceeds of over £2.2 billion. We know what acquirers are looking for, what they most value and what they want to avoid. Key attractions are a proven expansion plan and a diversified, defensible revenue stream. We work with management teams over the life of an investment to ensure that the strategic development reflects these priorities. We always take the lead in the exit process to maximise value.
Typically we hold investments for four to five years but have a totally flexible approach to exit timing. We have a record of selling companies for very high multiples of cost and sometimes retain our investments for extended periods to achieve this. The majority of our exits have been to trade and financial buyers, although we have also used stock-exchange listings. American buyers have been particularly prominent in recent years, attracted by the successful international expansion of our businesses.
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