New High School Textbook Teaches Students Trump Deals with ‘Mental Instability’

By Jack Davis
April 16, 2018 at 7:09am

A new high school textbook slams President Donald Trump as dealing with “mental instability,” according to several published reports.

The textbook, “By the People,” written by James W. Fraser, is published by Pearson and aimed at Advanced Placement high school students.

The book’s Trump-related comments were shared by Alex Clark, co-host of an Indiana radio show. She tweeted about the book and posted what she said were pictures of several pages that were sent to her.

Alex On-Air


In case you didn’t think there was an effort going on in public schools to indoctrinate kids with an anti-conservative agenda, a friend of mine took pictures and highlighted parts of this AP US History book.


An excerpt of the book was posted by Breitbart.

In the excerpt, Breitbart quotes the book as saying Trump is “extremely anti-immigrant, especially attacking Muslim immigrants.”

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination, but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not-very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters — more voters than any other single Republican candidate,” the book says.

Excerpts posted by The Blaze illustrate how the author wants students to understand the 2016 election.

“Trump’s supporters saw the vote as a victory for the people who, like themselves, had been forgotten in a fast-changing America — a mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white group. Clinton’s supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender, and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history,” the excerpt reads.

“They also worried about the mental instability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation,” it adds.

The book makes it clear that its focus is on the race of Trump’s Cabinet, not its credentials.

“Whatever people’s opinions, on January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the forty-fifth president of the United States. The inner circle of his advisors seemed to represent a mix of some deeply ideological conservatives, traditional politicians, and his family,” the book says.

“His cabinet nominees were mostly highly successful business leaders who had made their fortunes and were now joining the team of another unusually successful businessman. They were largely white males, more so than any presidential cabinet since Ronald Reagan.”

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The book’s perspective is shown in other areas as well, as shown in an excerpt about the Ferguson, Missouri, riots in 2015.

“The nearly all-white police force was seen as an occupying army in the mostly African American town,” the excerpt reads. “Police increased the tensions, defacing memorials set up for Brown and using rubber bullets on demonstrators.”

“These passages represent an almost purely partisan liberal Democratic perspective dressed up to look like balanced history,” Kurtz said. “If this textbook was an outlier, that wouldn’t much matter. Unfortunately, the tilt of this text is entirely typical of the left-liberal bias that pervades just about every other AP U.S. History textbook.”

Source: The Western Journal

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