

Cannabis Science Inc (CBIS) investors sentiment 1.33 in 2017 Q4. It’s in 2017Q3. The ratio [12345], as 4 institutional investors opened new and increased holdings, while 3 sold and reduced stakes in Cannabis Science Inc. The institutional investors in our database now possess: 277,539 shares, down from 304,780 shares in 2017Q3. Also, the number of institutional investors holding Cannabis Science Inc in top ten holdings was flat from 0 to 0 for the same number . Sold All: 3 Reduced: 0 Increased: 1 New Position: 3.
Neumann Capital Management Llc increased Mckesson Corp (MCK) stake by 58.51% reported in 2017Q4 SEC filing. Neumann Capital Management Llc acquired 2,975 shares as Mckesson Corp (MCK)’s stock declined 12.43%. The Neumann Capital Management Llc holds 8,060 shares with $1.26 million value, up from 5,085 last quarter. Mckesson Corp now has $29.08B valuation. The stock increased 0.19% or $0.27 during the last trading session, reaching $140.93. About 151,734 shares traded. McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK) has declined 6.57% since March 29, 2017 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 18.12% the S&P500.
Churchill Management Corp holds 0% of its portfolio in Cannabis Science, Inc. for 13,389 shares. Frontier Investment Mgmt Co owns 20,000 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Massmutual Trust Co Fsb Adv has 0% invested in the company for 150 shares. The New York-based Neville Rodie & Shaw Inc has invested 0% in the stock. North Star Asset Management Inc, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 40,000 shares.
Cannabis Science, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, produces, and commercializes phytocannabinoid pharmaceutical products primarily in the United States. The company has market cap of $157.96 million. The firm is developing medicines for autism, blood pressure, cancer, cancer side effects, and other illnesses, as well as for general health maintenance. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s drugs under development include CS-TATI-1 for newly diagnosed and treatment-experienced patients with drug-resistant HIV strains, as well as those intolerant of available therapies; CS-S/BCC-1 to treat basal and squamous cell carcinomas; and a proprietary cannabis therapy for neurological conditions.
The stock decreased 3.43% or $0.0022 during the last trading session, reaching $0.0619. About 3.27M shares traded. Cannabis Science, Inc. (CBIS) has 0.00% since March 29, 2017 and is . It has underperformed by 11.55% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.79 in Q4 2017. Its down 0.09, from 0.88 in 2017Q3. It fall, as 73 investors sold MCK shares while 310 reduced holdings. 79 funds opened positions while 222 raised stakes. 177.79 million shares or 1.25% less from 180.04 million shares in 2017Q3 were reported. Bailard owns 1,430 shares for 0.01% of their portfolio. Cypress Capital Group Incorporated stated it has 3,458 shares or 0.11% of all its holdings. Financial Prtnrs Cap Limited Com accumulated 18,305 shares or 0.53% of the stock. Cwm Ltd Liability owns 105,607 shares. Highstreet Asset Mngmt reported 9,966 shares stake. Two Sigma Ltd Co holds 0.03% or 7,440 shares. Nj State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan reported 0.22% stake. Parkwood Ltd Liability Corp stated it has 0.05% of its portfolio in McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK). 10,333 are owned by Suntrust Banks. Moreover, Ahl Prtn Llp has 0.21% invested in McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK). Department Mb Fincl Bank N A reported 0.8% in McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK). 9,654 were reported by Hugh Johnson Limited Liability. 36,759 are held by Culbertson A N Co Inc. Royal Financial Bank Of Canada owns 386,218 shares for 0.03% of their portfolio. Diversified Trust Co holds 0.02% or 2,413 shares in its portfolio.
Neumann Capital Management Llc decreased General Electric Co (NYSE:GE) stake by 48,070 shares to 81,050 valued at $1.41M in 2017Q4. It also reduced Spdr Series Trust (SDY) stake by 4,270 shares and now owns 58,136 shares. Pfizer Inc (NYSE:PFE) was reduced too.
Among 22 analysts covering McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK), 12 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 9 Hold. Therefore 55% are positive. McKesson Corporation had 81 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Friday, July 31 the stock rating was maintained by S&P Research with “Buy”. The rating was downgraded by Credit Suisse to “Sell” on Monday, December 18. On Wednesday, January 24 the stock rating was maintained by Mizuho with “Hold”. UBS initiated the stock with “Neutral” rating in Thursday, October 6 report. The rating was maintained by Needham with “Buy” on Monday, October 30. The firm has “Buy” rating by Deutsche Bank given on Tuesday, January 12. The rating was downgraded by Standpoint Research to “Hold” on Friday, November 11. The firm has “Buy” rating by Robert W. Baird given on Thursday, October 26. The stock of McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK) earned “Outperform” rating by FBR Capital on Tuesday, January 12. On Thursday, January 5 the stock rating was downgraded by JP Morgan to “Neutral”.
Since December 14, 2017, it had 0 insider buys, and 2 insider sales for $10.61 million activity. On Thursday, March 1 the insider Lampert Erin M sold $211,071. 65,000 shares valued at $10.40 million were sold by HAMMERGREN JOHN H on Thursday, December 14.
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