Millions Of Dollars Later, Mike Bloomberg Quits The Presidential Race And Endorses Joe Biden


Mike Bloomberg has ended his 2020 presidential bid and is endorsing Joe Biden.

The billionaire businessman, philanthropist, and former New York City mayor announced that he is suspending his White House run on Wednesday morning, the day after widely underperforming on Super Tuesday. It marks the end of what was probably the most unconventional campaign of the 2020 election, and certainly the fastest-spending one. Bloomberg has said he’ll keep the infrastructure he put in place for his campaign up and running until November, which could be an important boon for the Democratic Party, perhaps especially Biden.

“I’m a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible — and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists. But I remain clear-eyed about my overriding objective: victory in November. “Not for me, but for our country,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “And so while I will not be the nominee, I will not walk away from the most important political fight of my life.”

He commended Biden for “his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country” and said he believes the former vice president has the “best shot” of winning in November.

Bloomberg’s campaign was a long shot from the start. He only announced he was running in November 2019, after initially saying he wasn’t going to months before, and he made clear from the get-go that the path he would take to the Oval Office wasn’t the typical one. He skipped campaigning in the four early primary states — Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina — and instead focused on Super Tuesday and more delegate-rich states.


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