Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Exceptional Legal Experience, Expertise, and Judicial Record Make Her the Right Choice to Serve on the Supreme Court

THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR THE COURT: Judge Amy Coney Barrett will serve the American people with honor and distinction on the Supreme Court.

  • Judge Barrett’s extensive experience as a professor and litigator, record of academic success, and outstanding judicial record make her an excellent choice to serve on the Supreme Court.
    • Judge Barrett is currently serving the American people on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Judge Barrett has demonstrated a steadfast dedication to upholding the Constitution as written, and not legislating from the bench.
    • Judge Barrett’s excellent judicial record shows she will protect the rights of Americans and defend the rule of law.
  • Judge Barrett’s character and work ethic have earned her awards and bipartisan praise from the legal community.
    • Judge Barrett’s colleagues at Notre Dame Law School signed a letter supporting her 2017 nomination, calling her “a model of the fair, impartial and sympathetic judge.”
    • In 2017, a bipartisan group of law professors – including professors from Harvard and Stanford and other law schools around the country – urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to confirm Judge Barrett to the Seventh Circuit, describing her work as “rigorous, fair-minded, respectful, and constructive.”
    • The American Bar Association rated Judge Barrett as “well qualified” in 2017.
EXCEPTIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Judge Amy Coney Barrett brings a wealth of experience from her time in private practice, academia, and public service.
  • Since 2017, Judge Barrett has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit after she was nominated by President Trump and confirmed on a bipartisan vote.
  • Judge Barrett was appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to sit on the Advisory Committee on Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, where she served from 2010 to 2016.
  • After graduating from law school, Judge Barrett clerked for D.C. Circuit Judge Laurence Silberman and for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • Judge Barrett practiced both trial and appellate litigation in Washington, D.C. at Miller, Cassidy, Larroca, & Lewin, and at Baker Botts.
  • Judge Barrett worked for more than 15 years in academia, shaping the next generation of legal minds and supporting the professional development of her students.
PROVEN RECORD OF SUCCESS: Judge Amy Coney Barrett has received numerous awards as a result of her excellence as a legal scholar and professor.
  • Judge Barrett graduated summa cum laude from Notre Dame Law School and received the Hoynes Prize for achieving the best record in scholarship, deportment, and achievement.
    • At Rhodes College, Judge Barrett graduated with multiple highly respected honors, including induction into Phi Beta Kappa.
  • At Notre Dame Law School, she received the John M. Olin Fellowship for aspiring academics and earned a tenure-track faculty position.
    • Judge Barrett was later awarded the Diane & M.O. Miller, II Research Chair in Law.
  • Three graduating classes at Notre Dame Law have selected Judge Barrett as the “Distinguished Professor of the Year.”
  • Judge Barrett served as a Visiting Associate Professor of Law at the University of Virginia Law School.
  • Judge Barrett’s scholarly work has been published in several prominent journals, including the Columbia Law Review, Virginia Law Review, and Texas Law Review.


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