Florida House Passes 15-Week Abortion Ban

In yet another step forward in defense of innocent pre-born life, the Florida state legislature passed a bill Wednesday that would ban abortions beyond 15 weeks in the Sunshine State.

H.B.5 passed the GOP-controlled chamber without exceptions for rape and incest after a measure to add the exceptions was rejected in an earlier vote. The bill will now head to the GOP-controlled Senate before making its way to the desk of pro-life Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The bill was supported largely along party lines, with one Republican voting against and one Democrat going in favor.

Among the measure’s Republican supporters was Rep. Dana Trabulsy, who said that she herself had an abortion and had “regretted it every day since.”

“This is the right to life and to give up life is unconscionable to me,” she said.

Arizona and West Virginia have also advanced their own 15-week abortion bans this week as the Supreme Court appears poised to uphold Mississippi’s own 15-week ban, a landmark decision that could spell the overturning of both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Current Florida law prohibits abortion after 24 weeks, around the point when many babies have been known to survive birth and a full 18 weeks after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected.

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