FBI Investigating Diane Feinstein Over Sharyn Bovat Allegations Of Sexual Assault Cover Up ?

After pushing for an FBI investigation on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Dianne Feinstein just got a taste of her own medicine when a female accuser came forward with damning information, demanding an investigation of her own.

Sharyn Bovat (left) is calling on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (left) to practice what she preaches and demand an investigation into her own alleged involvement in a sexual assault. (Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Screenshot via YouTube)

Especially in light of recent attacks on conservatives, one can almost guarantee that if Democrats are accusing their opponents of heinous crimes, they are usually the ones guilty of it. Taking tips from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the left has expertise in distracting the populous from its own discretions by launching ad hominem attacks on those with whom it disagrees.

Their most abused target in recent history is undoubtedly Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who, despite his unimpeachable character and pristine record, was painted as a drunken sexual predator by a handful of un-credible, self-contradicting liberal activists. In an obvious attempt to delay the Supreme Court hopeful’s confirmation vote, congressional Democrats flouted due process, insisting that Kavanaugh has the burden to prove his innocence by calling for an FBI investigation on himself.

Of course, at the forefront of this detestable attack is Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who absurdly agreed that if Kavanaugh truly is innocent, he will demand an investigation into his background. Unfortunately for the calculating senator, her own advice has come back to bite her.

Just days after insisting that Judge Brett Kavanaugh calls for an investigation upon himself, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is being accused of involvement in a heinous sexual assault, and the female victim is demanding that Feinstein practice what she preaches by calling for an investigation on herself.

Sharyn Bovat, who describes herself as an “Ex Cold War intel gatherer: Current DOD/NISSAN/Lockerbie Whistleblower,” maintains that she was sexually assaulted in 1990 by a Japanese donor of Dianne Feinstein. The most disturbing element of Bovat’s allegation is that Feinstein supposedly covered up the sexual assault in an effort to conceal the fact that she was accepting funds from foreign donors.

In a series of YouTube videos, Bovat told “her truth,” as Democrats like to say, revealing that she was hired to escort one of Feinstein’s Japanese investors while the female politician was running for governor nearly 3 decades ago. Bovat claims that she has incurred “repressed memories” of the sexual assault by the Japanese donor, who remains unnamed, and Feinstein’s subsequent coverup of the alleged crime.

“That repressed memory is real and, until you started making this big deal, I was never going to talk about it because I was embarrassed because I though I did something wrong,” Bovat broke her silence on her own sexual assault in light of the Kavanaugh hearing. “But what I did was I was helping you because you didn’t want the unions to know that you were taking money from foreign donors.”

Two days later, Bovat uploaded yet another video in which she holds a picture of herself with Sen. Feinstein and demands to be believed like the women the Democrats have trotted out against Kavanaugh.


Nearly a week after exposing Feinstein, Bovat announced that she plans to make a trip to meet with U.S. Senators in an effort to convince them not only to support Kavanaugh but also to go after Sen. Feinstein with as much fervency as they have in the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.


If Democrats want to use every accusation of sexual assault as a means to destroy the careers and lives of individuals, they must do the same to Sen. Feinstein. If they demand an investigation into every claim against a federal employee accused of any involvement in a sexual assault, they must do the same to Sen. Feinstein.

Whether Sharyn Bovat is telling the truth is irrelevant, according to the Democrats. In their own words, it only matters that she is telling “her truth” and that she is believed because all women must be believed. Her making an accusation apparently makes her credible in the eyes of the left, and her emotional plea only makes her that much more believable, as we’ve seen from Christine Blasey Ford’s most recent appeal.


UPDATE from Sharyn Bovat:


This Article Originally Appeared At Wild World News







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