GOING to the gym, counting kilojoules and constantly checking your weight on the scales?
Yeah, it is all well and good, but are you truly enjoying what your doing?
I like to think of overall health and fitness as a happier long-term lifestyle change for the better.
This is the key to future results and fitness.
Playing your favourite kids’ sport, walking the beaches or doing some gardening.
This fun mix variety of gym and fun hobbies keeps things very interesting and sets you up for a happier, healthier lifestyle well into the future.
I see it so many times, people wanting results straight off the bat and soon becoming disgruntled and frustrated at not getting what they want.
The bottom line is if keeping those unwanted fat kilos off our bodies forever is most likely to be achieved, we have to become content and happier with the lifestyle changes we have slowly implemented.
So do not become too obsessed with the calorie counting and what the scales read every morning, and start planning some more fun, healthy outdoor activities to supplement your gym training.
Become more aware of how much better you are starting to feel and how your energy levels have increased in your life.
John Causley is a personal trainer at BodyRock Fitness in Townsend and is aiming to improve the fitness and well-being of Clarence Valley athletes through his fitness column Stronger Body, Stronger Mind.
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