CBD Oil for Dogs: What Is It and What Does It Do?


CBD oil presently holds the spotlight as the Holy Grail to help treat various illnesses. From chronic pains and sleep disorders to Parkinson’s disease, and even cancer, people are swearing by it. You can find CBD oil or other CBD Products from a marijuana dispensary.
In the beauty industry, CBD oil has become the star ingredient in many beauty products, as well. This wellness trend has now reached the pet world, particularly the canine wellness sector. Read on to find out more about the benefits of CBD oil for dogs.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound extracted from the cannabis plant. Unlike the other cannabinoid chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not give that “high” feeling typically associated with marijuana. CBD is not a psychoactive compound and does not affect cognitive brain function.
CBD oil is obtained using different extraction methods. Pressurized carbon dioxide extraction, steam distillation, and solvent extraction are popular methods. Full-spectrum CBD oil is comes from these methods. However, other than CBD, this full-spectrum CBD oil also contains other cannabinoids, including THC, although in small quantities. To remove these and create an untainted CBD isolate, full-spectrum CBD oil is cooled and purified further.
One essential factor to consider when buying CBD oil is to identify its plant strain origin. As CBD is present in both marijuana and hemp plants, it is the CBD oil from the hemp plant that is deemed more favorable. It is also why most products with CBD are derived not from the marijuana plant, but the hemp.

The Influence of CBD on Dogs

A veterinary medicine study concludes that the CBD benefits to humans can apply to most veterinary species. Veterinary doctors consider CBD oil as a treatment option for sick pets, dogs in particular. There is also a canine rehabilitation specialist who prescribes CBD oil as a therapeutic aid for injured dogs.
Once cannabinoids enter the body, they interact with the series of receptors called endocannabinoids in the central and peripheral nervous systems. It helps sustain normal balance in the body and keeps it in a healthy condition.
That is why canine rehabilitation specialist gives its nod of approval to CBD oil as a restorative medication for dogs. CBD oil has properties that can help reduce pain and restore mobility in dogs.

CBD Can Help with Health Problems of Dogs

Just like with humans, CBD is also beneficial to the health of your canine pets. Many veterinary doctors and canine rehabilitation specialists consider CBD oil as a more desirable alternative to many modern medications.

1. Treats seizure

Several reasons cause seizures in dogs. It could be due to something he had ingested, electrolyte imbalance, idiopathic epilepsy, kidney and liver diseases, brain tumors and trauma, and stroke.
Whatever the underlying cause may be, CBD can help by stabilizing the central nervous system. Besides, unlike anticonvulsant drugs like potassium bromide and phenobarbital, which are also used to treat epileptic seizures, CBD does not give adverse side effects. Some canine rehabilitation specialists who advocate alternative and natural treatment favors CBD oil for seizure treatment.

2. Relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and cognitive dysfunction

Trauma, aging, and illness are common causes of canine stress, anxiety, depression, and cognitive dysfunction. CBD oil helps balance the endocannabinoid system. Their neuroprotective, antipsychotic, and anxiolytic properties help relieve these conditions.

3. Alleviates canine arthritis

Dogs, even healthy ones, can suffer from chronic conditions like arthritis when they reach old age. Inflammation and pain can affect their mobility and comfort. Many NSAIDs and opioids drugs prescribed for these conditions are powerful, but it can compromise the dogs’ quality of life.
CBD oil is believed to enhance the effects of these drugs, which means decreasing the dosage, and thus, the adverse effects are possible. Canine rehabilitation specialists find this especially advantageous for dogs that are undergoing rehabilitative therapy.

4. Provides relief from cancer symptoms

Some studies suggest that CBD oil can encourage cancer cell apoptosis or the death of cancer cells. Although this study is in the early stages, the results are already promising. CBD oil can help provide relief from cancer symptoms in dogs, such as pain, lethargy, and seizures by calming the nervous system.

5. Alleviates gastrointestinal issues

Vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration are among the symptoms of gastrointestinal distress in dogs. CBD oil can help regulate the transmission of signals from the digestive biochemical matters in dogs.

CBD Wellness Trends

CBD is currently taking the beauty and wellness trend by storm. There is a sudden upsurge of products in the market that contain CBD oil. Since marijuana legalization from state to state, many businesses are tapping into the CBD oil market.
Many health and beauty industrialists believe in the power of CBD oil. Those from the beauty sector, for instance, swear by the CBD oil’s efficacy on acne, wrinkles, and other skin blemishes. Those from the health sector likewise vouch for its wonderful health benefits. Beauty gurus, medical doctors, oncologists, veterinary physicians, and canine rehabilitation specialists are all singing their praises for CBD oil. The CBD oil trend is projected to continue rising in the coming years all around the world.
Choosing to give CBD oil to your dog is entirely up to you. Make sure you understand its possible effects and follow the proper dosage as well. With a host of promising potentials in every bottle, it is no wonder many are turning their eyes on it.

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