Category: World News
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Is Now “Law Enforcement Action Partnership” (LEAP)
The Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP), formerly Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) nonprofit group of current.
Another Major Military Veterans’ Organization Just Came Out in Support of Medical Marijuana
By Joseph Misulonas | Nov 15, 2017 | Learn The American Legion is one of the largest veterans organizations.
Hospital Nurse Faces Probe Over Tweet Railing Against ‘Evil’ White People
An Indiana hospital plans to investigate a tweet from one of its nurses calling for.
Pakistan Deploys Military Troops After Violent Clashes in Islamabad
By SALMAN MASOOD November 26, 2017 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan on Sunday deployed army troops in Islamabad.
A New Push Could Close Loopholes For Emotional Support Animals
BOSTON – Support animals have become a point of contention between people who say they’re essential.
Who Is Responsible for Skyrocketing Generic Drug Costs?
Rapid rises in generic drug costs have competitors mirroring each other. Is there something underhanded.