Category: World News
Judge’s Move To Grant Bail In New Mexico Compound Case Draws A Twitter Mob And Death Threats
Judge Sarah C. Backus received death threats after she granted five suspects in the New.
As School Starts, Locals Talk About the Real David Hogg and It’s Not Pretty
BY SOPHIA CLIFTON AUGUST 16, 2018 AT 2:49PM As summer comes to a close and kids start.
Anti-Marijuana Group Wants Campaign Finance Transparency, Kind Of
Published By Kyle Jaeger August 14, 2018 A leading anti-legalization group is cooking up a new follow-the-money tool,.
Michigan Cop Forced an 80-Year-Old Great Grandmother To Spend a Night in Jail Over an Expired Medical Marijuana Card
Arthritic granny spent a night in the clink over lapsed paperwork Mike Riggs Aug. 7, 2018.
Swimmer Suffers Puncture Wounds In Shark Attack On Cape Cod
TRURO, Mass. (AP) — A man swimming off Cape Cod was attacked by a shark.
Oklahoma School Shuts Down for 2 Days After Parents Threaten Transgender 7th Grader on Facebook – TIME
By GINA MARTINEZ August 14, 2018 A school district in southern Oklahoma was forced to shut.