Little Boy Told He Could Never be a Police Officer

As Troopers, we have a tremendous amount of responsibility. Our public safety mission is ever.

Alyssa Milano Mocks Triple Amputee Veteran for Crowdfunding Border Wall Instead of ‘Taking Care of Our Veterans’

Left-wing Hollywood Actress Alyssa Milano Mocked The Crowd Funding Campaign To Build A Border Wall,.

UK Police Arrest Man And Woman Over Gatwick Drone Disruption – Reuters

Paul Gait and his wife Elaine Kirk were arrested by police in connection with the.

21% Of Americans Are Willing to Privately Contribute to Build Border Wall

Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Congress appears likely to refuse funding again for President Trump’s border.

Project Blue Light During The Holiday Season,,,

As you are preparing your Christmas decorations, which many people are putting up this weekend,.

Colorado is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax to Provide Food and Housing for the Homeless

Dr. Cheryl Strayed (Hearty Soul) Colorado is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax to Provide Food.