Category: Politics
How Much Does A Journalist Believe What They Say If They Don’t Allow A Comments Section???
A Question From Paul Hurteau I have noticed that there are a lot of “Journalists”.
Pelosi Says, ‘A Weak Person Blames Others’ As She Blames Trump
By Susan Jones | April 15, 2020 | 9:32am EDT (CNSNews.com) – After Easter — a time,.
Michelle Obama’s Odds To Be Biden’s Vice President Surge As Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar Fade
by Paul Bedard | April 14, 2020 08:54 AM Former first lady Michelle Obama is.
Nancy Pelosi “We All Have Found Our Ways To Keep Our Spirits Up During These Trying Times.”
“We all have found our ways to keep our spirits up during these trying times..
AOC Wants to Have a Conversation About the Sexual Assault Allegation Made Against Biden
Beth Baumann |@eb454| Democrats and the Democratic media complex have done everything in their power.
Tyrant Governors and the Future of America
By Daniel Bobinski “It’s a pandemic, stupid! What about people’s right to live? You are.