Category: Politics
CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency
‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because.
Biden Is Too Busy To Decriminalize Marijuana, Harris Says
Vice President Kamala Harris says the Biden administration is too busy to deal with cannabis.
Trump Calls for US Republicans to Boycott Companies amid Voting Law Controversy
Former US president Donald Trump on Saturday called on Republicans and conservatives to boycott sweeping.
California Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs
MARCH 16, 2021 By Gabe Kaminsky A new bill introduced by California State Assembly Member Ash Kalra.
Testimony of Pete Buttigieg Secretary of Transportation on Transportation and Infrastructure
Chairman DeFazio, Ranking Member Graves, and members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity.
Liberal Nun Claims Holy Spirit Led Her to Promote Joe Biden, Killing Babies in Abortions
MICAIAH BILGER MAR 25, 2021 | 12:36PM WASHINGTON, DC Sister Simone.