Category: Politics
“It’s Time For The Silent Majority To Become Unsilent” – Brandon Straka discusses his ‘Walkaway’ campaign
The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement. It is a video campaign movement, dedicated.
FBI Investigating Diane Feinstein Over Sharyn Bovat Allegations Of Sexual Assault Cover Up ?
After pushing for an FBI investigation on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Dianne Feinstein just got.
Supremely Wrong: Men Were Lynched Because of False Sexual Allegations
History is an easy and convenient thing to forget, especially when it doesn’t serve your.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren To Take Hard Look At Presidential Run After Midterms
CLAIM: Elizabeth Warren may consider running for president after midterms AP’S ASSESSMENT: It’s true. Massachusetts.
Lindsey Graham Erupts: Kavanaugh Hearing An Unethical Sham
While questioning Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) slammed the hearing as.
Diane Feinstiein Has Bigger Problems To Worry About: Sharyn Bovat
Sharyn Bovat has been exposing issues that are important to the DOD for many years..