Category: Opinion
There’s Overwhelming Evidence That The Criminal Justice System Is Racist – Washington Post
By Radley Balko Opinion writer Washington Post A couple years ago, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.).
Jane Fonda Had A Youthful Indiscretion, But That’s What Girls Did At That Age – #YouthfulIndescretion
Jane Fonda had a #YouthfulIndescretion that harmed thousands of veterans morale and active duty military,,,.
Another Look at ‘Hanoi Jane,’ Vietnam, and Celebrity Activism
AUTHOR Carly Severn “I have spent the last two years working with GIs and Vietnam.
The Naked Truth
According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The.
In Finland, Speeding Tickets Are linked To Your Income – Progressive Punishment
Around 3,400 people die in traffic crashes every day, leading to around 1.25 million deaths.
The Tibbetts Family Has Been Permanently Separated. They Are Not Alone. – The White House
President Trump was among the first to turn talk about the tragedy of Mollie Tibbetts’ murder to.