Category: Featured
Superman Star Margot Kidder’s Death Ruled A Suicide
The death of Margot Kidder, who famously played Lois Lane in the “Superman” movies of.
Video Reveals Nashville Police Officer Shot Victim Running Away: Family Wants Something Done
Tensions rose in Nashville Wednesday after police released new, graphic surveillance video that shows a.
EPA Is Now Allowing Asbestos Back Into Manufacturing
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has enacted a SNUR (Significant New Rule) allowing companies to.
Walmart Cashier Steps In To Polish Disabled Woman’s Nails When Salon Refuses
After one of her regular customers, a woman with a disability that sometimes causes her.
Cops Found 10 Pot Plants — And Accidentally Killed A Suspect With A Bulldozer
BY MATTHEW MARTINEZ mmartinez@mcclatchy.com Updated July 14, 2018 08:27 AM Ten mature pot plants grew.
Purple Heart Day: How This Medal Came To Be
The Purple Heart is frequently described as the military’s oldest medal. Gen. George Washington created.