Category: Featured
Vogue Targets White Republican Women Voters After Midterms
Article calls white women voters ‘unsisterly’ after the midterm election results. Tammy Bruce reacts on.
Canada May Not Allow People With A DUI To Enter Their Country
Canada may not allow persons with DUI (driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol) convictions to enter their country..
When Military Meets Civilian Law Enforcement: PTSD in the Police Force
By Dr. Allan Conkey, Faculty Member, Criminal Justice at American Military University Civilian law enforcement is among the most.
Girl Scouts Of The USA Files Suit Against Boy Scouts Of America
Girl Scouts of the USA has sued Boy Scouts of America, alleging trademark infringement. Elaine.
Terrorists Took Dan Crenshaw , Navy SEAL’s Eye – Here’s What They Couldn’t Take
Dan Crenshaw was on patrol in Helmand province of Afghanistan in 2012 when an IED.
Supreme Court Agrees To Hear A Case That Could Determine Whether Facebook, Twitter And Other Social Media Companies Can Censor Their Users
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could determine whether users can.