Category: Education
Swedish School Adds #MeToo Course To Official Curriculum
© Reuters / Issei Kato A school in Sweden has added an extremely modern course.
Australian Universities Are Threatening To Ban Sarcasm, And I Am Offended – Kassy Dillon
By KASSY DILLON On Twitter: @KASSYDILLON Several universities in Australia have brilliantly put a ban in place.
Trigger Warnings and Mass Psychogenic Illness
written by Stewart Justman Contrary to the tradition of free inquiry, many college students now demand.
Six Year Olds Write Same-Sex Love Letters in British School Assignment
A video published by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showing 6-year-old school children being instructed.
Trump Administration Opens Probe Of Yale University
The Education and Justice departments are investigating whether Yale University discriminates against Asian American applicants,.
Teacher Refused to Give Credit to Students Who Didn’t Do the Work
AUTHOR ERIN PERRI Diane Tirado is a teacher who cares. She believes teaching is her calling. Now, the.