Canadian Launch Of World-First 3D Printed Euthanasia Machine

The Exit NuTech Conference “New Technologies for a Peaceful DIY Death”, to be held in
Toronto on Sat 28th Oct and live streamed to the world, will see the launch of the new ‘Sarco’
euthanasia machine, developed by Exit International.

The machine will allow anyone who has the access key to peacefully and reliably end their life
by simply pressing a button.

Developed in the Netherlands by Exit Director Dr Philip Nitschke and Engineer Alexander
Bannink, the machine was designed so that it can be 3D printed and assembled in any location.

Access to the Sarco capsule will be by an on-line mental questionnaire which will provide a 4
digit access code. On reclining in the capsule, activation uses liquid nitrogen to rapidly drop the
oxygen level, and a peaceful death will result in just a few minutes.

The capsule can then be detached from the Sarco machine and used as a coffin. The machine
base can be re-used.

Design criteria for the Sarco will be free, made open-source, and placed on the internet.
Speaking from Canada, the Sarco inventor Philip Nitschke said that the development takes the
world one step closer to the goal where any rational person can electively end their life in a
peaceful and reliable way at the time of their choosing.

“Sarco does not use any restricted drugs, or require any special expertise such as the insertion of
an intravenous needle. Anyone who can pass the entry test, can enter the machine and legally
end their life”.

Dr Nitschke said the development was prompted by a growing demand for choice by the elderly
as populations age, and the difficulty and associated legal issues associated with sourcing the
best end of life drugs.

A 3D printed model of the Sarco will be on display @ the conference venue

The launch was @ midday East Canadian time on Sat 28th Oct and live streamed on:

NuTech Program Open

For Comment:

Dr Philip Nitschke: +1 (647) 857-0746 or +31 6 30 966 992
eMail: 27th Oct17

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