Border Patrol Union: Biden Illegally Holds Unaccompanied Migrant Children

The mainstream media is being silent as the Biden administration holds unaccompanied migrant children in Border Patrol custody longer than legally allowed, the head of the Border Patrol union stated.

The minors are being held in the same “cages” the media and Democrat politicians loudly criticized the Trump administration for.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Breitbart Texas that as of Monday, Border Patrol officials held more than 800 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in custody.

Despite the legal requirement to release the children to other federal agencies within 72 hours, more than 212 remained in custody longer than the legal limit.

“Today, [White House Press Secretary] Jen Psaski said the Administration could not hold the children in other locations due to the Covid protocols including social distancing,” Judd told Breitbart, “but what she didn’t tell the media was that the children in [Border Patrol’s] custody were being held in conditions that have nearly no way to social distance.”

Psaki’s remarks came in a Tuesday press briefing in response to questions from Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy. Forbes tweeted a video of the exchange.

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