Author: MassCentral

Judge Rules Insurance Company Must Cover Medical Marijuana

Judge Ingrid L. French, a state administrative law judge from New Jersey, has ruled that.

Project Blue Light During The Holiday Season,,,

As you are preparing your Christmas decorations, which many people are putting up this weekend,.

What does A Canadian Pot Sobriety Test Look Like?

“Once marijuana is legalized in Canada, how will police test for pot impairment?” CBC Comedy.

Colorado is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax to Provide Food and Housing for the Homeless

Dr. Cheryl Strayed (Hearty Soul) Colorado is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax to Provide Food.

Einstein Shares His Controversial Views On Authority, God & Human Existence

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, one.

“Night Before Christmas” Parody To Share With Family And Friends

Lu Rondeau-Kogut stopped by to receite her own “Night Before Christmas” parody to share with.