Author: MassCentral

Roots in Politics – Paul Ryan, Tulsi Gabbard and Marco Rubio – #FindingYourRoots: On PBS

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the diverse family histories of politicians Paul Ryan, Tulsi Gabbard.

An Open Letter To Politicians And Advocates for Disabled And Senior Citizens

As a disabled senior who must take a taxi to go to the supermarket for.

Once Again Mainstream Media Takes Candace Owens Out Of Context – Her Reply

Was Hitler a nationalist? (And Leftist journalists are still insane). — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO).

7 Thoughts on Mental Health & Valentine’s Day

  Many people think of February and Valentine’s Day as the most romantic time of.

Kathy Tran Presents Virginia Third Trimester Abortion Bill in Committee

The Republican Standard Published on Jan 29, 2019 Virginia could soon be joining New York.

CNN Commentator Angela Rye Compares MAGA Hat to KKK Hood: I’m ‘So Triggered’ by the ‘Hatred’ It Represents

“Just think about the symbol of that red hat. When I see the ‘Make America.