Author: MassCentral

Rising Young GOP Star Danielle Stella To Take On Ilhan Omar In 2020

“Danielle Stella is a young Republican who is passionate about making a difference and speaking.

Hundreds Attend Funeral Service Of Lincoln Man And Korean War Veteran Dale Quick

A Lincoln veteran with no living family members in Nebraska was honored and buried Monday.

Video – Ilhan Omar Defends AOC’s False Claim That U.S. Govt Runs ‘Concentration Camp’
Secret Service: Suspicious Package Reported Near White House

Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers are responding to an incident involving a suspicious package located.

Ocasio-Cortez Wants Neighbors To Provide “Safe Space” For Illegals Sought By ICE

It’s a day ending in “y,” so Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said something silly. Go figure..

This Nike Commercial Features Women Athletes in Hijabs

WARNER TODD HUSTON 19 Jun 2019 1:35 Nike has announced that it is updating its.