Archbishop Viganò Speaks Again: Catholics Cannot Vote for Joe Biden

September 14, 2020

Catholic Family News is honored to publish the official English translation of an interview of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò by Italian journalist Marco Tosatti conducted on the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary.

Mr. Tosatti opens the interview by asking His Grace to discuss the claims that Joe Biden is a Catholic candidate. Before directly answering the question, Archbishop Viganò requests that we examine the causes of a situation in which a candidate for office who was born and raised Catholic can promote ideas that dissent from fundamental teachings of the Church and still seek the support of the hierarchy and faithful. He traces the roots of such an extraordinary situation to the rebellious declaration of Catholic colleges and universities in the Land O’Lake Statement of 1967. In this manifesto, signed by Theodore McCarrick (then-president of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico) and a host of others, the rebel institutions declared independence from the teaching and authority of the Church. His Grace explains that innumerable students have been educated by these purveyors of dissent, some of whom have entered politics.

Yet, the Land O’Lakes Statement has its own roots in the Second Vatican Council. The Archbishop demonstrates how the principles that drove the statement and the mass rebellions of 1968 draw upon the novelties of Vatican II. He argues that the Council gave a green light to these radical movements. He has strong but true words for these rebellious Catholics:

I would add that hell is not reserved for non-Catholics: among the eternal flames there are many baptized souls, even religious, priests and bishops, who have deserved damnation because of their rebellion against the will of the Lord. Self-styled adult Catholics and their preceptors ought to think carefully, before they hear the words of Christ resound: «I never knew you; depart from Me, you evildoers» (Mt 7:23).

Because Joe Biden promotes an agenda that is in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching, the Archbishop declares that “Catholics cannot vote for, much less the hierarchy approve, a ‘Catholic’ politician who does not put the integrity of the Church’s doctrine into practice.”

His Grace makes clear that Joe Biden is in no way a Catholic candidate: “The self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who supports partial-birth abortion, i.e., infanticide, and who even before Obama supported gender ideology and celebrated the ‘marriage’ of two men, is not Catholic. Period.” (Emphasis added).

In addition to warning Catholics that they cannot vote for the “self-styled” Catholic Joe Biden, the Archbishop excoriates bishops and clergy who attempt to lead the faithful astray by claiming Biden is a Catholic and a good candidate. He soundly refutes the claim of the notorious Fr. James Martin, S.J. that since Biden is baptized that makes him a Catholic candidate:

Father Martin, S.J.’s response is sophism, because he pretends not to see the divide between appearing and being Catholic, between exploiting the “designation” for an electoral advantage and being a true witness to the Gospel in private, civil and political life, and in institutions. What about Father James Martin, S.J.? He was baptized, confirmed, ordained a priest, and even made solemn vows of chastity and obedience; he is S.J….. he is LGBT. Someone else, one of the Twelve, betrayed Him. Let Father Martin, who is always impeccable in his clerical dress, look into the mirror of his soul, and see whom he resembles!

In one astounding sentence, His Grace returns to a theme of the letter he wrote to Donald Trump earlier this year, the connection between the deep state and the deep church. He claims that both Joe Biden and Pope Francis do the bidding of the brutal Chinese Communist Party: “The Chinese communist dictatorship is courted by both the deep state and the deep church: Joe Biden is as subservient to the economic and political interests of Beijing as Jorge Mario Bergoglio.”

The entire text of the dynamite interview is published HERE.

Brian McCall

Brian McCall

With degrees from Yale University, the University of London, and the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. McCall is a member of the faculty of the University of Oklahoma College of Law. Mr. McCall became Editor-in-Chief of Catholic Family News in 2018. He is the author of numerous books and articles on law, politics, and Catholic Social Teaching and has made frequent speaking appearances at academic and Catholic conferences on these topics. He and his wife are the parents of six children.

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