An Open Letter To Politicians And Advocates for Disabled And Senior Citizens

As a disabled senior who must take a taxi to go to the supermarket for my food at a cost of $20.00 each way in Sturbridge Massachusetts, I am wondering why there is a restriction on the use of EBT cards for EBT authorized items such as bread, vegetables, milk, eggs and other foodstuffs.

Apparently online purchases are not allowed with an EBT card.

There is a Stop and Shop in my area that offers PeaPod a grocery delivery service that will get the food items I need from the shelf and deliver it to my home for $9.99 maximum delivery fee with a purchase of $60.00 minimum order.

The problem is that they are unable to accept my EBT card

I am currently on very limited income and this service would be a blessing physically and monetarily.

As a result I am unable to take advantage of this service as are.

I am sure you would agree, many other seniors and disabled individuals would benefit from this service from Stop and Shop or similar offers from other vendors.

I was hoping someone could assist me in giving me direction to see if we could get this changed for vendors such as Stop and Shop.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Paul Hurteau

8 Birch Street Unit 5

Sturbridge, MA 01566







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