AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File

Kurt  Schlichter

The greatest thing about Donald Trump is how his election has caused our enemies to reveal exactly what kind of seedy, corrupt weasels they truly are.

My apologies to weasels – those creatures don’t deserve to be associated with the shoddy assembly of race hustlers, graft grabbers, liberal liars, garbage media scribblers and submissive Fredoconlackies who make up our grotesque liberal elite.

Our enemies despise us, and look down upon us from what they assume we’ll consider the moral high ground, judging and berating us for the literal and figurative crimes they themselves commit. So watch for me to be labeled “weaselist’ and told to confront my nonweasel privilege while at the same time their own anti-weasel agenda will be obvious and in our face.

It’s the hypocrisy, stupid.

It’s the constant loud and proud lying that they hope will keep us cowed.


It’s not working.

We got woke.

Take this idiocy about the newly discovered TREASONOUS TREACHERY OF TREASON that is taking oppo from grimy foreigners. Trump said (and I paraphrase), “Sure, I guess if some alien offered me dirt on whichever groper, fake Cherokee, Mad magazine mascot or skateboarding furry the Democrats nominate I’d listen,” and the lib elite lifted off into the highest of dudgeons.

“This is his worst treason since his last worst treason!” they thundered. “This is even more treasonous than when The Bad Orange Man called us ‘traitors’ for our treachery after we called him ‘traitor’ for two years!”

They got really, really upset. Fake upset, of course, but they committed to the bit and kept straight faces. And you know that Trump pulled the pin on that hand grenade of truth on purpose in order to make the dummies explode just like they did.

You have to wonder if the garbage elite really thinks their brand of blatant hypocrisy disguised as moral outrage works, or if this is just a reflexive response to a president who not only sees them for the useless slugs they are, but says so.

My apologies to slugs. I am not slugist.

Still, do any of them truly think that we Normals will listen to them sounding off about the perfidy of perhaps considering the possibility of maybe accepting dirt on their freak show candidates from outsiders and not recall that Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit famously did just that with the pee-pee dossier, or that Adam Schiff got punked by a couple of Russian Howard Stern wannabeskis offering him pics of the POTUS au natural?

When Staggers O’Cankles does it, it’s cool? When Congressman Leaky does it, it’s fine? Yet when Trump says he might do exactly what they did, it’s the greatest betrayal of our Values, our Constitution and our Democracy since his last greatest betrayal of our Values, our Constitution and our Democracy, which happened last week?

Source: TownHall.com

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